According to Section 268 of the Canadian Criminal Code mutilation is considered as an aggravated assault and as such is
an indictable offense.
According to Section 268 of the Canadian Criminal Code mutilation is considered as an aggravated assault and as such is an indictable offense.
Aggravated assault
268 (1) Every one commits an aggravated assault who wounds, maims, disfigures or endangers the life of the complainant.
Punishment: (2) Every one who commits an aggravated assault is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years.
Excision: (3) For greater certainty, in this section, “wounds” or “maims” includes to excise, infibulate or mutilate, in whole or in part, the labia majora, labia minora or clitoris of a person, except where
(a) a surgical procedure is performed, by a person duly qualified by provincial law to practise medicine, for the benefit of the physical health of the person or for the purpose of that person having normal reproductive functions or normal sexual appearance or function; or
(b) the person is at least eighteen years of age and there is no resulting bodily harm.
Wednesday November 22, 2023 – Zoom Doors open at 4:30pm PST/7:30pm EST Register in Advance
A4C Orientation – 4:30pm PST. Tanya’s update – 4:45pm PST. Empower Hour guest segment 5pm PST/8pm EST.
Special Guest Dr Ann Gillies, Trauma Specialist, Author and Speaker, joins Tanya to discuss the results of her most recent study and her newest book, The Ultimate Deception: Learning the Truth About Gender-Affirming Care. Dr Ann is passionate about putting her research to work for the well-being of children and for parents who are being assaulted and victimized by radical sex activists who have infiltrated our education system at all levels, and are teaching the destructive and unscientific gender ideology.
Children are being indoctrinated and conditioned to embrace gender ideology which is confusing them and causing them to question their identity. This is resulting in a mass social contagion wherein children are self-identifying as the opposite sex and ‘Gender Affirmation’ is being forced on vulnerable children as the only solution which is leading them down a path of destruction; mentally, emotionally and physically. The poison of ‘Gender Affirming Care’ sets a child’s mind on things that ‘ought not be’ and propitiates the ultimate deception. The only antidote is truth.
Dr Ann will also share her experience of how compassionate understanding and patient love can bring healing and restoration to relationships affected by this pernicious agenda. Learn more about our guest and Share the Empower HERE.
Trailer – Detrans: The Dangers of Gender Affirming Care
The ‘DETRANS’ documentary exposes the terrible cost our youth are paying as a result of the transgender movement. It exposes the truth about what is going on inside medical facilities around the country, with one former transgender person explaining, “The ideology that has become dominant at these clinics is that trans kids know who they are, and therefore, to question them is completely taboo.” “The film features young Americans who were manipulated by the transgender movement and pushed by medical professionals to take hormones and undergo surgery,” PragerU said in a statement. “Now, they are finding the courage to detransition and warn others about their experience.”
Watch the full 20 minute documentary HERE.
Gender Affirming Surgery = Mutilation
Watch this shocking interview with Dr Blair Peters, a gender surgeon, who admits to committing mutilating operations on gender confused teenagers and confessed that they are “very new” procedures that are being carried out on minors (aka experimenting on children). Dr Peters also admits to certain elevated risks and “unique challenges” that he faces, particularly when surgically castrating adolescents who have taken puberty blockers. Peters noted that such an invasive surgery as vaginoplasty – and the intensive post-operative requirements to maintain the artificial parts – is a dramatic change for a teenager ‘who never went through puberty or never engaged in sexual activity.’ He commits facial, chest and genital surgeries but expressed a particular passion for phalloplasty – using skin from a woman’s forearm for the creation of artificial male genitalia – and vaginoplasty, during which a man’s penis and scrotum are reconstructed to mimic a female vagina and vulva. Read more HERE.
Dr Peters is in the USA but Dr McClean is Canadian and is mutilating children and youth right here in Canada. Read the following news article about a 10 year old boy in Manitoba who is just beginning the process of gender transitioning at the Manitoba Children’s Hospital, with the support of his parents. What has the world come to?
All of these people, including parents that support this, should be indicted. According to Section 268 of the Canadian Criminal Code mutilation is considered aggravated assault and is an indictable offense.
Two Oreo Cookies OR $10,000 Cash?
A child cannot buy cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs. They can’t vote or drive but after being influenced and indoctrinated to embrace gender ideology via social media, television and the education system…they can choose to take harmful hormone blockers, anti-depressants and to have their body permanently mutilated, removing healthy body parts and disfiguring them for LIFE.
‘Gender Affirmation Care’ irrevocably renders them unable to experience a normal sex life, to have children, breastfeed, or have a natural marriage relationship. Understandably a child is incapable of considering the long-term consequences but as they mature many of these individuals are deciding to detransition with profound regret and this is drastically increasing their risk of suicide ideation.
Why Is This Happening?
Social media is a huge influencer in pushing gender ideology but the worse culprit is the education system.
Tanya Gaw, Founder of Action4Canada, provides evidence that the SOGI 123/CSE learning resources are 100% incrementally indoctrinating, sexualizing and grooming children. The SOGI 123 lesson plans provide an alarming look at how the education system is being used to break down societal norms and the natural family by confusing children, exploiting their innocence and destroying their natural barriers against predatory behaviour. In this presentation Tanya reviews the SOGI Toolkit: Teaching Resource. (Learn more HERE).
Action4Canada's goal is to assist parents, grandparents and guardians by providing webinars, resources, support, and solutions to counter the growing assault against our children, that is being implemented via the education system.
Public schools, at all levels of education, currently pose a serious threat to our children as a result of the globalist’s agenda to use them as “Agents of Change” to advance an aggressive Marxist agenda, that includes sexualizing children at the earliest age possible. In response, there is a growing national movement wherein parents are pulling their children out of public and private schools and opting to homeschool. More and more Canadians are seeing the value in good old fashioned, traditional learning built on a biblical Christian worldview and passing these values on to their children. Children are the future and what goes in is what comes out! Therefore, parents need to champion the outcome.
If you are considering homeschooling and haven’t yet committed because you just don’t know where to begin, then please visit Action4Canada's Homeschooling Revolution Page for help on how to get started!
If you are unable to homeschool then be sure to take steps to protect your child and serve your teacher, principal and school board the SOGI/Wynne notice of liability!
As Action4Canada continues to courageously defend Canadians rights and freedoms we ask that you would please consider courageously giving, either a one time donation or becoming a monthly donor. Help Action4Canada continue to bring solutions and hope to the nation!
If you are in need of prayer please reach out to our Prayer Team at [email protected]
Remember: Freedom of speech, thought, belief and the right to life, liberty and security of the person are guaranteed. We do not need to beg, barter or ask for them…they are ours for the taking.
God bless you and God bless Canada!
The Team
@ Action4Canada