Free condoms in CEGEPs to prevent STBBIs
The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS) wants to install free condom dispensers in Quebec's CEGEPs to promote the prevention of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) among a population deemed at risk.
The Centre for Government Acquisitions (CAM) undertook , on behalf of the MSSS, a review of the market for providers offering external condoms (male condoms) and condom dispensers.
In a notice of call for interest published on August 20 in the Government of Quebec's Electronic Tendering System, the AGC specifies that the MSSS wishes to make male condoms available free of charge through external dispensers installed in the various CEGEPs.
Population at riskELSEWHERE ON NEWS: Minister Chantal Rouleau tables her social assistance reformThe goal is to facilitate physical and economical access to external condoms for this at-risk population and to increase the use of external condoms by students in Quebec CEGEPs, the document reads.
The products identified in this call for interest may be the subject of a subsequent call for tenders.
The MSSS wants to promote STBBI prevention among CEGEP students.
Low-cost condom dispensers have been installed for more than 15 years in colleges across the province.
Several CEGEPs in the Montreal area already offer free condoms to their students. In Quebec City, Cégep Limoilou installed free condom dispensers on its three campuses a few years ago.
In most CEGEPs, condoms can also be obtained free of charge from the nurse in charge of preventing STBBIs.
STBBIs on the riseSince the COVID-19 pandemic, several health regions in Quebec have observed an increase in the number of cases ofSTBBIs.
Last January, the CIUSSS reported increases of almost all STBBIs on its territory.
Vending machines offering condoms at low prices are already present in CEGEPs.
According to the CIUSSS, this increase is partly due to improved testing.
Other factors such as a lack of awareness and the trivialization of certain infections may also have
contributed to the increase in the number ofSTBBIs.
The Centre for Government Acquisitions (CAM) undertook , on behalf of the MSSS, a review of the market for providers offering external condoms (male condoms) and condom dispensers.
In a notice of call for interest published on August 20 in the Government of Quebec's Electronic Tendering System, the AGC specifies that the MSSS wishes to make male condoms available free of charge through external dispensers installed in the various CEGEPs.
Population at riskELSEWHERE ON NEWS: Minister Chantal Rouleau tables her social assistance reformThe goal is to facilitate physical and economical access to external condoms for this at-risk population and to increase the use of external condoms by students in Quebec CEGEPs, the document reads.
The products identified in this call for interest may be the subject of a subsequent call for tenders.
The MSSS wants to promote STBBI prevention among CEGEP students.
Low-cost condom dispensers have been installed for more than 15 years in colleges across the province.
Several CEGEPs in the Montreal area already offer free condoms to their students. In Quebec City, Cégep Limoilou installed free condom dispensers on its three campuses a few years ago.
In most CEGEPs, condoms can also be obtained free of charge from the nurse in charge of preventing STBBIs.
STBBIs on the riseSince the COVID-19 pandemic, several health regions in Quebec have observed an increase in the number of cases ofSTBBIs.
Last January, the CIUSSS reported increases of almost all STBBIs on its territory.
Vending machines offering condoms at low prices are already present in CEGEPs.
According to the CIUSSS, this increase is partly due to improved testing.
Other factors such as a lack of awareness and the trivialization of certain infections may also have
contributed to the increase in the number ofSTBBIs.