No green light or timetable for the
reopening of places of worship
In the government's deconfinement plan, the cult places are found in the "later phases", with bars, gymnasiums and other gatherings. The bishops of Quebec are disappointed, Mgr Marc Pelchat believes that the churches are more than capable of opening by ensuring the safety instructions.
“We are often reminded that our churches are not full, and it is often true, that is one more reason.
We are able to enforce physical distance ”, judges the auxiliary bishop of Quebec.
The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Quebec has also transmitted a model health protocol to each of its dioceses,
it presents ceremonies that they can adapt according to their particularities during the gradual reopening of churches.
The places of worship have been closed and the liturgical celebrations suspended since the declaration
of a state of health emergency by the government of Quebec, so it has been several weeks.
“We participated in the work of the Assembly with a view to resuming the rallies. We are impatient, we have little information
on the reopening so far. It's not about money or a whim, it's for people. They need to be accompanied in mourning,
we want to help them, we want to cry with them, to do our mission. ”
According to what François Legaut announced Monday, places of worship are not close to opening their doors.
Another blow is knowing that the malls have the green light.
“As other places are gradually opening, so can we. Shopping centers are big spaces, they are able to do it. But in life, it is not only the
economy ... there are other sectors of society that are important, and we think that we are one of them, "said Archbishop Pelchat.
And the message of the auxiliary bishop also applies to Protestant churches, mosques or any other place of worship
We are able to enforce physical distance ”, judges the auxiliary bishop of Quebec.
The Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Quebec has also transmitted a model health protocol to each of its dioceses,
it presents ceremonies that they can adapt according to their particularities during the gradual reopening of churches.
The places of worship have been closed and the liturgical celebrations suspended since the declaration
of a state of health emergency by the government of Quebec, so it has been several weeks.
“We participated in the work of the Assembly with a view to resuming the rallies. We are impatient, we have little information
on the reopening so far. It's not about money or a whim, it's for people. They need to be accompanied in mourning,
we want to help them, we want to cry with them, to do our mission. ”
According to what François Legaut announced Monday, places of worship are not close to opening their doors.
Another blow is knowing that the malls have the green light.
“As other places are gradually opening, so can we. Shopping centers are big spaces, they are able to do it. But in life, it is not only the
economy ... there are other sectors of society that are important, and we think that we are one of them, "said Archbishop Pelchat.
And the message of the auxiliary bishop also applies to Protestant churches, mosques or any other place of worship
Not just the economy
The bishops of Quebec receive many messages and emails during the pandemic, the members call on them to share important moments
in their lives ... We ask the bishops to reopen the churches.
“We are very happy for small animals, grooming is now allowed. We take care of humans! We want to start again as quickly as possible,
but in a safe manner. The majority of our clientele is aged 65-70 and over, we don't want to put them in danger,
it's important that the rules are respected and we will be prepared. ”
Funeral homes can accommodate families, small gatherings, if social distancing is respected, but churches cannot.
This is what annoys Archbishop Pelchat a little. "We would be able to celebrate funerals differently, we are specialists anyway."
The Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec recalls that his institution has always been respectful of public authorities, some of their customers
even criticize them for being too docile when faced with public health directives. “The government itself says that people's mental
health is compromised. In our own way, we help maintain a level of serenity, we help to face challenges. ”
The Diocese of Quebec is therefore awaiting government authorization to begin its gradual reopening. Messages have been sent to
all the parish leaders to start working in this direction, in particular to determine which churches will open first and find volunteers.
“Everything remains to be completed, we are going to need help with the display at the doors, control the entrances, hand washing,
follow the arrows. The premises must also be disinfected between each activity. There is work to be done,
but we will be ready, ”concluded Mgr Marc Pelchat.
The bishops of Quebec receive many messages and emails during the pandemic, the members call on them to share important moments
in their lives ... We ask the bishops to reopen the churches.
“We are very happy for small animals, grooming is now allowed. We take care of humans! We want to start again as quickly as possible,
but in a safe manner. The majority of our clientele is aged 65-70 and over, we don't want to put them in danger,
it's important that the rules are respected and we will be prepared. ”
Funeral homes can accommodate families, small gatherings, if social distancing is respected, but churches cannot.
This is what annoys Archbishop Pelchat a little. "We would be able to celebrate funerals differently, we are specialists anyway."
The Auxiliary Bishop of Quebec recalls that his institution has always been respectful of public authorities, some of their customers
even criticize them for being too docile when faced with public health directives. “The government itself says that people's mental
health is compromised. In our own way, we help maintain a level of serenity, we help to face challenges. ”
The Diocese of Quebec is therefore awaiting government authorization to begin its gradual reopening. Messages have been sent to
all the parish leaders to start working in this direction, in particular to determine which churches will open first and find volunteers.
“Everything remains to be completed, we are going to need help with the display at the doors, control the entrances, hand washing,
follow the arrows. The premises must also be disinfected between each activity. There is work to be done,
but we will be ready, ”concluded Mgr Marc Pelchat.