Help in dying: that says a lot about us ...
On Monday, while a forum was taking place on the expansion of medical assistance in dying for people with mental disorders, Health Minister Christian Dubé said that Quebec "must continue to be a precursor" in the folder.
What does that mean exactly?
That Quebec should open this Pandora's box in order to show the rest of the country to what extent we are "at the forefront"? How open, progressive, innovative we are? Why not allow medical assistance in dying for autistic people or people with Down's syndrome, as long as it is? We would be the first in the world! “Youhou, look at us, how we are pioneers in Quebec! "
What does that mean exactly?
That Quebec should open this Pandora's box in order to show the rest of the country to what extent we are "at the forefront"? How open, progressive, innovative we are? Why not allow medical assistance in dying for autistic people or people with Down's syndrome, as long as it is? We would be the first in the world! “Youhou, look at us, how we are pioneers in Quebec! "
First, what do we mean by “people with mental disorders”?
People who suffer from schizophrenia? Depression? Anxiety disorders?
Does that include bipolar? People with borderline personality disorder? Compulsive disorder?
Do you know what is the worst nightmare of people who have, in their family or those close to them, a person suffering from a mental health disorder?
That one evening, a police officer calls them at two in the morning to tell them that this person they love with all their heart has "taken action".
How much money is spent each year telling people that suicide is not an option?
And then, suddenly, the government and Quebec society as a whole would say that ultimately, yes, suicide is indeed an avenue to consider?
The proof: we now offer this "service"?
Do you know how much harm this would do to the volunteers who work to save people from suicide?
First, what do we mean by “people with mental disorders”?
People who suffer from schizophrenia? Depression? Anxiety disorders?
Does that include bipolar? People with borderline personality disorder? Compulsive disorder?
Do you know what is the worst nightmare of people who have, in their family or those close to them, a person suffering from a mental health disorder?
That one evening, a police officer calls them at two in the morning to tell them that this person they love with all their heart has "taken action".
How much money is spent each year telling people that suicide is not an option?
And then, suddenly, the government and Quebec society as a whole would say that ultimately, yes, suicide is indeed an avenue to consider?
The proof: we now offer this "service"?
Do you know how much harm this would do to the volunteers who work to save people from suicide?
As well shoot the plogue on Suicide Action!
I understand that mental suffering is as painful and as unbearable as physical suffering. But as Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois of Québec solidaire said: "We must also question ourselves, as a society, about what we are doing to support these people in their lives ..." We will talk about expanding the medical assistance in dying for people with mental disorders when everything has been done to make their lives more beautiful,
more bearable.
However, this is far from the case !!!
Mental health is the blind spot of our healthcare system!
We are just starting to talk about it, to take an interest in it!
Have you ever spoken to people who tried to intern a loved one in order to protect them from themselves?
It is the cross and the banner!
We must wait until this person has committed a serious act for the police to agree to take him to the psychiatric emergency!
Not to mention the desperate people who are shot by cops while they are in the middle of a crisis ...
Just the fact that we are seriously considering extending medical assistance in dying to this category of people disgusts me.
It says a lot about our company.
Instead of doing everything to provide better care to seriously ill people, we ask our doctors to help them die!
Really ? Are we there?
If so, shame on us ...
Suicide prevention centers: 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553)
I understand that mental suffering is as painful and as unbearable as physical suffering. But as Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois of Québec solidaire said: "We must also question ourselves, as a society, about what we are doing to support these people in their lives ..." We will talk about expanding the medical assistance in dying for people with mental disorders when everything has been done to make their lives more beautiful,
more bearable.
However, this is far from the case !!!
Mental health is the blind spot of our healthcare system!
We are just starting to talk about it, to take an interest in it!
Have you ever spoken to people who tried to intern a loved one in order to protect them from themselves?
It is the cross and the banner!
We must wait until this person has committed a serious act for the police to agree to take him to the psychiatric emergency!
Not to mention the desperate people who are shot by cops while they are in the middle of a crisis ...
Just the fact that we are seriously considering extending medical assistance in dying to this category of people disgusts me.
It says a lot about our company.
Instead of doing everything to provide better care to seriously ill people, we ask our doctors to help them die!
Really ? Are we there?
If so, shame on us ...
Suicide prevention centers: 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553)
Richard Martineau
Journal of Montreal
Journal of Montreal