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May 2022
Kindergarten to the public: Roberge not favorable to admission tests
Bock-Côté on the manufacture of an alternative reality by traditional media
Quebec passes law changing child protection regulations, setting aside natural family ties
April 2022
No less than 659 requests authorized
in Quebec in 2021
Quebec tells universities how to protect academic freedom
Sherbrooke: Knights of Columbus Council
Could Lose Funding
March 2022
Quebec creates a computerized "provincial pregnancy notice"
The Supreme Court will determine whether it upholds the validity of the Quebec law
No more obligation to wear the mask continuously at work on February 28
January 2022
SOS domestic violence: half of women in distress have no place to take refuge
A breakthrough in the fight against homelessness in Quebec
Free to Care
What is euthanasia for? Part V: How different policies, from Quebec and Canada, have created a philosophical bifurcation,
for the Canadian provinces.
Good and Bad News: Details from the Final Report of Québec’s Select Committee on the Evolution of the Act Respecting End-of-life Care
For All UVVC-Outaouais Members
and Supporters
November 2021
The hidden side of vaping among teens
Change of sex at the civil status "I have heard the criticisms and I take note of it",
says Jolin-Barrette
Bill 2: "A historic setback"
for the LGBTQ+ community
Quebec allocates $200 million over five years
Marginalization of believing children by the Quebec Minister of Education
Quebec wants to mark out the call to surrogate mothers in the law
Québec presents the Quebec Culture and Citizenship Program
October 2021
The abolition of a toxic course at last!
Today's announcements
by Prime Minister Legault
Quebec allocates 19 million to help victims
Your taxes at work - drag queen to host children's program for government broadcaster
A new division of the Court of Quebec to better support the plaintiffs
Quebec establishes a free legal
consultation service
See old age differently
Quebec intends to present an action
plan by the end of 2021
Homeless people in search of listening
Dr Paul Saba: The mentally ill should
not be euthanized.
A new TikTok challenge that raises educational institutions' eyebrows
Deaths of abandoned elderly people, wrongly attributed to covid
September 2021
Helping children "from the mother's womb until the age of five"
English Montreal School Board:
Quebec is not a nation
Quebec tables its bill for a tribunal specializing in sexual violence
Mayors of five major cities unite
to demand clear commitment
MRC des Collines-de-l'Outaouais: a unit dedicated exclusively to domestic violence
Quebec launches a pilot project
for access to mediation
Petition: No to late abortion in Quebec
Québec mother wants her 4-year-old son to die by euthanasia: ‘No possibility that his quality of life will improve’
August 2021
Quebec will create a specialized tribunal
National history: the young Caquists are right
Child pornography: "It happens at home,
you are responsible"
Late abortions perpetrated in Quebec under the pretext of a "pandemic"
An increase in reports "never seen"
July 2021
Access to the compromised LGBTQ +
"haven of peace"
Domestic violence: a message
to send to abusers
June 2021
Legault promises to prioritize
disadvantaged children
"We will never go back", says Véronique Hivon
A law with "more teeth"
Quebec no longer requires double consent
Bloc members castigate Justin Trudeau
Gender-neutral toilets in Gatineau
Ottawa urged to increase benefits from age 65
Meech, take 2
May 2021
Quebec will be able to modify its section of the Constitution, believes Trudeau
Join us in stopping Bill C-10
by signing the
Legault calls on Quebecers to rally
around the French bill
When a symbol of religious sexism becomes a fundamental right
The Laurent Commission recommends a Charter of the rights of the child
More places and posts in shelters
A first bill by the fall
Quebec already ready to review the law on DYP
Drugs: Quebec opens the door to diverting simple possession
April 2021
Priest, Catholic dad dazzle at school board’s meeting to fly pride flag: LGBT ideology does ‘endanger’ salvation
Quebec will appeal the judgment
Top lawyer: ‘Conversion therapy ban could criminalise Christian parents’
Young trans people must be supervised,
argues Quebec
The National March for Life
DYP: Quebec could review the
principle of parental primacy
Aid centers for violent men lacking resources
Official languages: giving the law "bite"
Reports and accusations are on the rise
March 2021
Pitched battle for secularism
Important changes to the Divorce Act
Appeal of one of the findings of the judgment on trans and non-binary people
Bill C-6
How to make our voice heard for
oppose the current version of the bill?
The importance of sex and gender for identification purposes
The new Ethics and Religious Culture course postponed for one year
Towards the erasure of the mention of sex
February 2021
Religious heritage must return
to the heart of the debate
Vaping and cannabis rhyme with poor academic performance among young people
Legault talks about guaranteeing freedom of debate at the university, Martine Delvaux of UQAM talks about government "police"
We must withdraw bill 69 on heritage
Beyond the "word that begins with an N"
Tory MP launches petition to axe legislation that would criminalize pro-family, Christian ministries
C-7 does not correct enough law on medical assistance in dying, says Barreau du Québec
Psychological Health Study |
One in two young people have symptoms of anxiety or depression
Abuse in Quebec
Twice as many
complaints in one year
January 2021
Lawyer Marc Bellemare calls for
the withdrawal of Bill 84
More than 2,200 unqualified teachers work
in the Quebec school network
to express without genres
Response from Dr. Arruda to the Table de concertation interreligieuse du Québec
Measures relating to places of worship
Quebec wants to "reduce the pressure" on the school network
Law 21 on secularism and the future of Quebec
Help in dying: that says a lot about us ...
Merry Christmas!
December 2020
A ‘Christmas Star’ Will Appear on the Darkest Day of This Year
MasterCard and Visa end use of their credit cards on Pornhub
"We don't have time to stop everyone"
Senator Carignan's Question on the MAD in Video
Pandemic: women's shelters noted escalation in violence
November 2020
Our Children Are Watching Our Stay-at-Home Response
Adoption of a bill favorable to family-work balance for parents of toddlers
The hell of confinement for
victims of domestic violence
Conversion therapy will be banned in Quebec
October 2020
Sexual reorientation therapies
Quebec wants to legislate
Places of worship open even in the red zone
why public health treats our places of worship, our towns and villages,
the same way we treat bars."
September 2020
Religion and politics: selective indignation
August 2020
Houses for women: Isabelle Charest can not quantify the missing places
More children mistakenly ingest cannabis,
CHEO says
Towards a greater repression of the sexual exploitation of adolescents
Pride Montreal calls for an end to "colonial and oppressive laws"
July 2020
Reports to the DPJ: battered children,
collateral victims
Family-work balance: financial assistance
to promote a better quality of life
for families in Quebec
Is a woman, a women by sex or by gender?
June 2020
The clergy disappointed with the attitude of Quebec
Frédéric Bastien wants a ban on all religious accommodation
Racism: whatever the definition,
it takes action
Sexual assault: law rescinding
prescription is adopted
It's time to reopen our churches
Religion has never been so private in Quebec!
‘Long time coming’: Montgomery Co. School Board approves LGBT studies course
No green light or timetable for the
reopening of places of worship
Gatineau also wants to tackle the predominance of the masculine over the feminine
May 2020
Montreal wants to attack "the supremacy" of the masculine over the feminine in French
Abused in the secrecy of confinement
Victory is proof that together
we can make a difference!
Notre-Dame Hospital, palliative care unit, Montreal
April 2020
Resuscitate is not resurrected
Télé-Québec in the classroom
Family format #gender
CHLSD volunteer suspended for speaking to patients about euthanasia
Coronavirus crisis reminds us of eternal truths about marriage and family
The most difficult for seniors
is the absence of others
March 2020
New Trudeau law could jail parents who oppose gender conversion
PETITION: Authorities Must Close Pornhub After It Showed Videos Of 15 Years Old Trafficked Victim
Quebec wants to tackle domestic violence with a balanced budget
The College of Physicians wants "super nurses"
to practice medical aid in dying
must close protesters
A first seniors' home in Hull
"Full of staff" in health by 2022,
assures Minister Blais
Why legalizing medically assisted dying for people with mental illness is misguided
Late abortions performed in the US:
Quebec wants to "repatriate services"
Petition: No to late abortion in Quebec
Late abortions: "disorganized" and "discriminatory" services
ECR teachers in shock:
religious culture is essential
We want help to live, not to die
Mental health: Quebec will not immediately allow medical assistance in dying
The trap
Combating domestic violence:
"I want it to happen!"
Help to live better
January 2020
To end sexual exploitation
Assisted suicide: how far to go?
What if a minor requests medical aid in dying?
Bill 40: Québec solidaire worried about the fate
of spiritual life promoters
The weight of religion
Replacement of the Ethics and
Religious Culture Course
The aftermath of sexual exploitation
Robotic doggies for seniors in CHSLDs
Half a million a year to break
the loneliness of seniors
December 2019
ECR — Student: at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus, teacher: it's not true (rediff)
The right time: compassion and dignity, please
Conservative Party shaken by new identity crisis
The Scheer lesson
Identity suicide
Sexuality education - Minister Roberge seeks to further limit parental choice
The CAQ will ban the use of cannabis
in all public places
Québec reviews the complaint system
in private CHSLDs
"More and more distress" in police forces
The debate is reopened
Quebec unveils concept of "Seniors' Homes" [PHOTOS]
Medical aid in dying: experts recommend introducing early demand
Suicide is a false choice
November 2019
The children of the drag
Quebeckers ready to elect
gay prime minister, says Gaudreault
Delays in Deployed Home
Palliative Care Deployment
Dignity of seniors in CHSLD: Minister Marguerite Blais tightens the screws on health managers
Resisting the Eutha-Nazi
Hide the abolition of the "spiritual journey" behind that of school boards
Neither man nor woman: "other"
Sexual exploitation of minors:
Quebec women in demand
Prostitution and Sexual Slavery, "In Canada, Montreal is the Bangkok of the East"
CSQ calls for more power for school staff
Cannabis: the legal age in Quebec
will rise to 21 years from January 1st
Minister Roberge open to talk about mental health in the classroom
Do not touch our palliative care homes
October 2019
Elder abuse: a quick review of the law requested
Cannabis edible products:
a very limited offer at the start
He wants help to live, not to die
Ontario provincial police no longer releasing gender of people charged with crimes
Medical assistance in dying:
Ottawa and Quebec will not appeal
September 2019
"Major anthropological rupture": the Academy of Medicine warns against the fatherless PMA
Euthanasia - Bing, bing, bing.
Slippery slope straight ahead.
Arizona Supreme Court upholds Christians’ right not to make same-sex ‘wedding’ invites
The official invisibility of the third parent
Medical aid in dying needs to be
expanded court ruled
Was he a human person?
Spiritual Pressures on Patients:
La Presse
Brief Reacts
Teaching Sexuality + religious culture
= desirable!
When is a fetus a child?
Does More Sex Education Reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections?
Having or not having three parents
Teach religions or secularism?
Schools adapt to trans students
August 2019
I am god
Pride Montréal: a dubious image
makes users react
Marked increase in children with suicidal ideation
$ 20 million for the restoration
of religious cultural heritage
Marijuana greenhouses in Weedon:
a 200 million imperiled project
Your kids and screens
The crucifix as a patrimonial object
and not of faith
Kennedy upside down
Richard Martineau
July 2019
The forbidden pot treats
Crucifixes in public
buildings are protected
Ex-gays petition Amazon
Disney’s Toy Story 4
praised by LGBT activists for lesbian moms scene
Event in collaboration with Quebec Life Campaign
Oreo offers a special edition LGBTQ pride2SA+ entitled
"Ask me my pronouns".
Elementary school kids given a graphic sex guide
in class an ‘unbelievable mistake’
Dissemination of a film considered anti-choice:
Guzzo persist and sign
The Minister of Education ignores the recommendations of the Protecteur du citoyen
A little more money for seniors as of July 1,
but not enough said the FADOQ
June 2019
The fate of crucifixes in hospitals
and schools left to their discretion
Petition: No to late abortion
in Quebec
The National Assembly adopts the law on the secularity
of the State
Cannabis in family day care:
André Fortin is exasperated
by Minister Carmant
Let's end the prayer in
the House of Commons
When the State makes
a vow of poverty
Climate emergency: "The Pact" launches a popular consultation
Paradoxes and discriminations
at the heart of the system of support for religions
May 2019
Family law reform
April 2019
A New Study Blows Up Old Ideas About Girls and Boys
Law on secularism of
the State
Bill 21
Jessica's Story: Indoctrination
at school
Family law reform
Urgent Update – Québec Minister of Education Proposes Revising Homeschooling Regulation
March 2019
National Assembly’s crucifix is a Duplessis-era bond between politics and religion
City Hall crucifix to be removed
Number of teens seeking treatment for gender dysphoria has increased tenfold since 2010
Letter from the
president of UVVC
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