Systemic Racism
1. Do you know that?
Racism is an ideology based on the belief that there is a hierarchy between human groups. It fosters a systematic attitude of hostility towards a specific class of person and may lead to a preference for one category of people over others.
Systemic racism is a form of racism that perpetuates the inequalities experienced by racialized people in social systems, including education, income, employment, access to housing, and public services.
2. How does systemic racism manifest itself in our lives?
For example, in the choice of our employees and tenants prioritizing certain nationalities over others based on prejudices or rumors.
3. How can systemic racism be avoided on a daily basis?
a) Educate, diversify the media you use:
- Read authors from different cultural communities to discover history from a different perspective.
- Diversify the information you receive, podcasts, music, etc...
b) Be aware of its fragility and overcome the feeling of discomfort in the face of racism.
c) Denounce racism when you see it, challenge it in yourself and in your communities, bring this conversation
to your workplace, call your city counsellors, etc.
4. What the Bible says about racism:
We are one race, the human race. We are a people created in the image of God. And God says:
Let us make men to be our image (...) Genesis 1:26
The Bible recommends that we love each other as Jesus loved the world: he died to save it.
This is my commandment: Love one another, as I loved you. John 15:12
My prayer is that you transform yourself by renewing your intelligence so that you can discern what God's will is in
your relations with others in your respective circles of influence. Romans 12:2
UVVC Committee
Racism is an ideology based on the belief that there is a hierarchy between human groups. It fosters a systematic attitude of hostility towards a specific class of person and may lead to a preference for one category of people over others.
Systemic racism is a form of racism that perpetuates the inequalities experienced by racialized people in social systems, including education, income, employment, access to housing, and public services.
2. How does systemic racism manifest itself in our lives?
For example, in the choice of our employees and tenants prioritizing certain nationalities over others based on prejudices or rumors.
3. How can systemic racism be avoided on a daily basis?
a) Educate, diversify the media you use:
- Read authors from different cultural communities to discover history from a different perspective.
- Diversify the information you receive, podcasts, music, etc...
b) Be aware of its fragility and overcome the feeling of discomfort in the face of racism.
c) Denounce racism when you see it, challenge it in yourself and in your communities, bring this conversation
to your workplace, call your city counsellors, etc.
4. What the Bible says about racism:
We are one race, the human race. We are a people created in the image of God. And God says:
Let us make men to be our image (...) Genesis 1:26
The Bible recommends that we love each other as Jesus loved the world: he died to save it.
This is my commandment: Love one another, as I loved you. John 15:12
My prayer is that you transform yourself by renewing your intelligence so that you can discern what God's will is in
your relations with others in your respective circles of influence. Romans 12:2
UVVC Committee